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Usage ସମ୍ପାଦନା

This template simplifies formatting text that is Fine.

Example ସମ୍ପାଦନା


See also ସମ୍ପାଦନା

All Wikisource size templates are relative to the default size. There are two kinds of sizing template: inline and block templates. Inline templates are suitable for use within a paragraph, but can't handle paragraph breaks, and do not adjust line spacing. Block templates can handle paragraph breaks, and adjust line spacing, but are not suitable for use within a paragraph, as they will cause a paragraph break.

Inline template Block template Size Sample
{{xx-smaller}} {{xx-smaller block}} 58% Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{x-smaller}} {{x-smaller block}} 69% Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{smaller}} {{smaller block}} 83% Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{fine}} {{fine block}} 92% Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
100% Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{larger}} {{larger block}} 120% Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{x-larger}} {{x-larger block}} 144% Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{xx-larger}} {{xx-larger block}} 182% Lorem ipsum dolor sit
{{xxx-larger}} {{xxx-larger block}} 207% Lorem ipsum dolor
{{xxxx-larger}} {{xxxx-larger block}} 249% Lorem ipsum
Size elements
{{font-size}} manual text scaling
{{font-size-x}} also scales line height